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Tiny Fishing


Tiny Fishing is an online entertainment game that couldn't be more wonderful. Fishing and earning cash from them is all you need to do in this exciting game!

Fishing Online

It sounds strange and unbelievable, but online fishing is completely possible with Tiny Fishing! This game will help you explore underwater creatures, especially fish.

Joining the game, you will transform into an old fisherman, the main character of this game. You will row a boat to the river to fish. You catch many fish at the same time, which means you can sell them for more cash and coins. Moreover, the opportunity to upgrade also increases.

Tips for players to get more coins

There are many different species of fish underwater, but their values ​​are not the same. If possible, players should choose to catch more valuable fish, especially golden fish.

Upgrading is also a trick to improve the efficiency of each time you throw your fishing rod:

  • Upgrading the depth of fishing will help you drop the bait deeper into the water. This allows you to catch more fish, even bigger and rarer fish.
  • The number of fish per catch can also be increased if you upgrade Max Fishes. From 3 fish per catch, you can catch even dozens of fish per catch.
  • In addition, you can still earn coins and cash even when offline. To do so, upgrade Offline Earnings!

In fact, besides Tiny Fishing, we can serve gamers with many trending games now; some are available such as Uno Online, Heardle, and Cubes 2048.

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